Before we talk about the specific scams that you’ll see in your inbox, let’s look at the key factor across all phishing emails: getting you to forward personal information. Any email which suggests entering personal information via email, via a form after a link, or even just by getting you to log into an account immediately, should be a red flag. Don’t let any email convince you to type a single word without giving some thought to the matter, and you’ll be safe against most phishing efforts, no matter the specific form or format of the scam. (more…)

New Vulnerabilities to Watch Out for

Today’s generation is plagued with cybercrimes which are happening day by day. Hackers are discovering new vulnerabilities in networks and exploiting them to their advantage. In the past year alone, 3-billion Yahoo accounts were hacked which has been recorded as the biggest attack on a company ever. (more…)

Dealing With Security Headaches

Keeping your company data safe and secured is not an easy job, especially as cyberattack threats get more and more sophisticated every day. But fret not, there are a lot of simple solutions that can be achieved with almost any level of tech expertise. In this article, we’ve listed 5 of our favorite cybersecurity tips that will help you deal with the ever-increasing threats to the safety of your data. (more…)

New Features and Changes for your iPhone and iPad with Apple’s Latest Software Release

As we say goodbye to summer and welcome in fall, we say hello to another update to Apple’s mobile operating system.

Apple has been hard at work over the last year to bring us some really compelling features and improvements over the previous version. While you’ve probably seen the latest emoji updates, don’t worry; we won’t be talking about that here. In this article, the team at Network Coverage will share with you the 5 biggest reasons we immediately upgraded to iOS 11. (more…)

NBA Team Latest Victim of Spoofed Email

For some NBA fans, the Milwaukee Bucks have long been a laughingstock on the court. However, their most recent loss is no laughing matter. According to Yahoo! Sports, last month a team employee unknowingly sent out names, addresses, Social Security numbers, compensation information and dates of birth of players to a spoofed email account operated by a hacker. However, the Bucks are simply the latest victim in what is a threat to businesses of all sizes. We’ve come up with some pointers on how to protect your business from spoofed emails. (more…)

The Latest WordPress Release Fixes Major Issues

Although WordPress is more secure than it used to be, outdated installations can be a potential threat to your website and the data that is hosted on the servers. In an attempt to shut down hackers before they can exploit vulnerabilities, the WordPress security team recently rolled out a new version that patches security loopholes and fixes several known bugs. Read on to find out more about the update.

What’s New in WordPress 4.5.3?

The latest WordPress version includes fixes for more than two dozen critical vulnerabilities, including:

  • Redirect bypass in the WordPress customizer API
  • Two separate cross-scripting problems via attachment names
  • Information disclosure bug in the revision history
  • Denial-of-service vulnerability in the oEmbed protocol
  • Unauthorized category removal from a post
  • Password change by stolen cookies
  • Some less secure sanitize_file_name edge cases

All vulnerabilities were found by members of the WordPress community. In addition to the security issues listed above, WordPress 4.5.3 fixes 17 maintenance issues from its predecessors 4.5, 4.5.1 and 4.5.2 (See full list).

WordPress Update Process

Many sites have an automatic background update, meaning that website admins will receive an email, confirming the update. If your website doesn’t support this feature, you can trigger manual updates by logging in to your WordPress dashboard and click on the ‘Please update now’ link, which is clearly visible on the top of the page.

Before you perform the update, however, we highly advise you to make a backup of your website. This is so that you can quickly restore your site in the event that something goes wrong. Once you have your backup ready, you can go ahead and update your site with the push of a button. Alternatively, you can download WordPress 4.5.3 here and install it via File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

It’s important to update to the newest versions of WordPress to ensure that you have access to all of its functionalities and to keep your data and website visitors safe from potential security threats. Google will also demote websites that are running old versions of WordPress in its search results pages – all the more reason why you should regularly check for WordPress updates. If you have any questions about WordPress security, feel free to get in touch with our experts today.

Tools for Defeating Ransomware

A simple Google search of “ransomware” returns just over 9 million results. So, too, does a search for “Three Mile Island,” the location of the late-70’s Pennsylvania nuclear meltdown. And while we don’t mean to equate the near catastrophe of the latter to having your company’s data hijacked by computer hackers, ransomware can in many cases end in disaster for your business. (more…)